Make your fur fabulous again!

Lana's Fur and Leather Knife

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Lana's Fur and Leather Knife


Quick Overview

This is a diagonal ROMI skinning blade holder for furriers to work on all types of fur and leather. This furrier's knife accepts extremely sharp razor blades that makes it an ideal tool for precise and accurate cutting of fur and leather in your craft projects.

Super product

This knife is so easy to use.. just what I needed for my hobby work.. Very please with this product.


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Excellent quality and the best tool to cut hide and fur with.. also a big use in the art of fly tying..

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This fur knife features a diagonal ROMI skinning blade holder with extremely sharp razor blade that cuts diagonally and makes it very effective and precise tool for all fur and leather cutting works. This knife accepts Aeterna super stainless steel blades. It is the sharpest and most accurate knife that you'll ever have.

When to use

  • Cut fur
  • Cut leather
  • Cut hides and skins


  • One Fur Knife
  • One pack of blades (1 piece = 2 blades): diagonally split, for furriers knife, stainless steel, t=0.15 mm

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